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Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo Educational Edition DVD

by Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo


Contains both the 90-minute and 51-minute versions and many extras. Extras include: Japanese and English scripts, original ethnobiology article by Jessica Oreck, excerpts from an extended interview with the well-known philosopher Dr. Takeshi Yoro, a time line of historical events covered in the film, discussion questions, and a curated list of recommended readings.

For more information about Beetle Queen education including a reviewer forum, please visit the educational site.

EDUCATIONAL LICENSE: for use by colleges, universities, libraries, museums, corporations, and other institutions: $350.00

COMMUNITY LICENSE: for non-profit organizations, local chapters, community organizations, and faith-based organizations, grassroots and student groups: $199.00

HIGH SCHOOL/PUBLIC LIBRARY LICENSE: for use in public and high school libraries only. DOES NOT INCLUDE PUBLIC PERFORMANCE RIGHTS: $49.99